Seaway Maritime Services Co., Ltd.
555/91 Moo 13 Nai Mueang,
Mueang Khon Kaen,
Khon Kaen, Thailand 40000

Seaway Academy provides STCW / IMO / ISPS / Flag-state accredited online & classroom training to the Offshore Oil & Gas and Commercial Shipping Industries.

Ballast Control Operator - Learning Outcomes
Ballast Control Operator - Learning Outcomes
I. Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international and national standards.
1. Basic Units and Definitions
Systems of Measurement (Metric, Imperial and US Customary units)
Quantities and Measurements for Stability Calculations
II. Use of loading/stability information from trim and stability diagrams and marine operations manual.
1. Hydrostatic properties
Hydrostatic Property Information
Height of the Centre of Buoyancy (KB) or Vertical Centre of Buoyancy (VCB)
Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy (LCB) and Transverse Centre of Buoyancy (TCB)
The Waterplane Area (WPA)
Tons Per Inch (TPI)-Tonne per cm (TPC)
Longitudinal Centre of Flotation (LCF) and Transverse Centre of Flotation (TCF)
The Height of the Longitudinal Metacentre (KMI) and Transverse Metacentre. (KMt)
Moment to Heel or Trim 1° (MH1°-MT1°). Moment to Trim or Heel 1 cm (MCT-MCH)
2. Free surface effect
The Free Surface Effect on Stability
Calculation of the Loss of GM caused by the Free Surface Effect
The effect of added bulkheads in tanks on the Free Surface Effect
The Tank Tables with Free Surface Moment
Wet and Dry GM
3. Stability calculations on board
Loading Conditions
The Mooring System Correction
The Maximum Allowable Area Loading
The Stability Calculations on Daily Report Forms
Tank Capacity Tables and Curves
III. Understanding of fundamental principles-theories-factors affecting trim and stability to preserve trim and stability and measures to preserve trim and stability.
1. The centre of gravity, the centre of buoyancy, and the metacentre
The Centre of Gravity (G)
The Centre of Buoyancy (B)
The Metacentre (M)
The Height of the Metacentre (KM)
The Stability Couple
The Metacentric Height (GM)
The Righting Arm (GZ)
The Righting Moment
Heeling and Lolling
Hog and Sag
Stable Equilibrium
Neutral Equilibrium
Unstable Equilibrium
Stiff and Tender
Rolling Period
Transverse Versus Longitudinal Stability
Categories of Stability
2. Change of draft, heel, and trim
Mean Draft (MD)
True Mean Draft (TMD)
Change of Draft (COD)
Change of Trim (COT)-Change of Heel (COH)
IV. Static and dynamic stability criteria for MOUs, environmental limits, and criteria for survival conditions.
1. The calculations for Centre of Gravity (G), Centre of Buoyancy (B) and Metacentre (M)
The Effect of Weight Shifts on the Centre of Gravity (G)
Recapitulation of Shift of Centre of Gravity
The Position of the Centre of Buoyancy (B) and the Metacentre (M) in Relation to K
The Effect of Draft on the Centre of Buoyancy (KB)
Calculation for BM
Calculation for GM
Calculation for List and Trim in Degrees
Summary of Static Stability for Small Angles
2. Stability at large angles-stability curves
Intact Statical Stability Large Angles
The Curve of Statical Stability
The Cross Curves of Stability
Use of Cross Curve of Stability
The Curve of Righting Moments
Dynamic Stability
Basic Damage Stability Procedures
The Down-Flooding Angle
The Maximum Allowable Vertical Centre of Gravity (VCG)
V. Understanding of inclining experiment, deadweight, and their use
1. The Inclining Experiment
The Preparation of the Inclining Experiment
The Principle of the Inclining Experiment
Lightship and variable loading
Tracking cumulative changes to lightship condition.
VI. Use of daily loading calculations.
VII. Knowledge of the Effect of:
1. Trim and stability of MOUs in event of damage and consequent flooding and countermeasures.
Intact Statical Stability Large Angles
Basic Damage Stability Procedures
The Down-Flooding Angle
Effects of tanks or spaces open to the sea and free communication between tanks or spaces within the unit
2. Movement or off loading supplies or equipment and ballasting of MOUs in order to keep the unit's stress within the acceptable limits. Should include basic discussion/explanation of the following:
The Maximum Allowable Area Loading
Forces Working on the Floating Unit
Stress, Strain, and Yield
Shear Stress
Sagging and Hogging
Design Loading Conditions
Steel Quality and High Strength Steel
Member Loading and Stress
Fatigue in Members and Connections
Load Curves on Drilling Vessels
3. Mooring system.
Mooring System Components & Purpose
The Anchor System Correction
Use of Catenary Curve Tables
Vertical Component of Line Tension
Lightweight Correction for Deployed Chain
Environmental Forces & Offset
Effects of Line Failures
4. Loss of buoyancy
Reserve Buoyancy
Watertight Integrity
VIII. Knowledge of:
1. The emergency response for flooding due to damage, fire fighting, loss of buoyancy, and the effect on trim and stability.
Basic Damage Stability Procedures
Hazards Associated with Counter Flooding
The Down-Flooding Angle.
3. Effectively communicate stability-related information.
Loading Conditions
The Anchor System Correction
The Maximum Allowable Area Loading
The Stability Calculations on Daily Report Forms
4. Environmental Considerations - Pollution Prevention